Chico Xavier, Medium of the Century: film, talks and book launch

18 June · 15:30 – 17:30
Location: LOST Theatre
208 Wandsworth Road, SW8 2JU London

Please book your place in advance in the following link:


Short film about Chico Xavier and talk by Guy Lyon Playfair

Talk by Silvia Gibbons: Books on Self Healing, and Guidelines for Life.

G L Playfair: author of twelve books including two on psi phenomena in Brazil

S. Gibbons: is a Humanist Counsellor, a Regression and Past Life Therapist and Spiritist speaker.

About the book

CHICO XAVIER, Medium of the Century

CHICO XAVIER, Medium of the Century

Chico Xavier, Medium of the Century is the first biographical and critical study in English of one of the outstanding mediums of all time, through whom more than 450 books were received by ‘automatic writing’ over a seventy year period, few of which until recently were available in English translations.

Extracts from some of Chico’s major works are included, and give an idea of the scope and the high quality of the output of this unique medium, whose centenary in 2010 was marked by numerous celebrations, two feature films and a special postage stamp. This book tells the fascinating story of how a primary-school dropout from a poor working-class background rose to become a national hero.

About the author

After graduating from Cambridge University, Guy Lyon Playfair moved to Brazil, where he worked as a freelance journalist for The Economist, Time, and the Associated Press, also spending four years in the press section of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID).

In his first two books, The Flying Cow (1975) and The Indefinite Boundary (1976) he described his investigations of such unusual phenomena as poltergeists, psychic surgery and reincarnation as a member of the research institute founded by Brazil’s pioneer parapsychologist, Hernani Guimarães Andrade.

He also described his meeting with Chico Xavier in 1973 that led to the first detailed account of the medium’s life and work to appear in English, which has been expanded and updated in the present book. His most recent book is Twin Telepathy (2008).

He now lives in London, and is a council member of the Society for Psychical Research.

Promotion: Roundtable Publishing

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